Having trouble shopping for your Automated Logic Fanatic this holiday season? This month, we share our Top 5 Holiday Gifts for the ALC Fan:
1. WebCTRL System v8
WebCTRL System v8 includes a number of security enhancements and labor saving and convenience features.
Automated Logic continues to heighten its status as the most user-friendly and efficient GUI on the market with two new major improvements. First, Source Tree Functionality/associations can now be performed directly within WebCTRL, reducing steps and speeding the process of associating building HVAC equipment. WebCTRL’s Custom Report feature now includes searching and referencing semantic tags, greater ability to sort reports, a more sophisticated expression parser, and improved navigation between reports and graphics pages.
- ACxelerate VAV Auto-Commissioning Included
- BACnet SC Ready
- IPv6 Ready
- Security Enhancements through JAVA 11/Tomcat9
- Haystack compatible Semantic Tagging
- Custom reports feature enhancements
- SVG Graphics – Auto-scale based on monitor resolution, 3-D Toggle, Zoom
ACxelerate Auto Commissioning Tool: VAV Summary

Benefits of WebCTRL System v8 for the Building Owner
2. OptiFlex Virtual Integrator
Winner of the 2019 AHR Expo Innovation Award for Building Automation, the OptiFlex Virtual Integrator allows your ALC Fanatic to scale up building enterprise integration easily, efficiently, and cost-effectively, without having to install massive control panels with multiple router/gateways. With support for up to 50,000 BACnet or Modbus IP-based data points, the new OptiFlex™ Virtual Integrator connects and monitors large volumes of data across various systems, sub-systems, and devices in a building – regardless of manufacturer. It then seamlessly integrates that data into the WebCTRL® building automation system.
If your Automated Logic Fanatic has long requested a product that has the ability to read and process vast amounts of building data without taking up the wall space of physical hardware gateways, you will want to gift them the OptiFlex Virtual Integrator.

3. OptiFlex OFBBC and FIO I/O Expanders

Your Automated Logic Fanatic will want the newest BACnet building controller/expander combination, the OptiFlex OFBBC and FIO I/O Expanders. With the ability to support up to 9 FIO I/O expanders, the OFBBC is ideal for controlling central plants, air handlers, rooftop units, or anywhere there is a large aggregation of I/O. OptiFlex I/O expanders are designed for flexible panel configurations, including the capability to be remotely mounted. Additionally, the OFBBC can simultaneously integrate 3rd party BACnet systems.
4. WebCTRL IntelliSuite and Analytics Solutions
Any ALC Fanatic will welcome the capability to proactively monitor the health of their WebCTRL system in real time. A gift of the WebCTRL IntelliSuite and Analytics Solutions will get your ALC Fanatic access to Automated Logic’s full line of analytics tools, including IntelliSuite Health Monitoring, EnergyReports, and Fault Detection and Diagnostics. This powerful software combination will monitor the performance of your BAS 24/x7, to allow Facility Managers to focus their time and energies on broader building concerns.
Benefits of WebCTRL IntelliSuite & Analytics for Building Owners

5. The OptiFlex OF1628 BACnet Building Controller
Your Automated Logic Fanatic will be thrilled to receive ALC’s flagship I/O controller, the OF1628. It’s unequalled RAM and processor speed give it the power to monitor and control large single systems or multiple pieces of HVAC equipment simultaneously, integrate 3rd party systems, perform real-time FDD, and trend enormous volumes of data. This combination of connectivity, processing power, memory and I/O provides the horsepower needed for today’s and tomorrow’s most demanding control sequences, including ASHRAE Guideline 36.
Benefits of the OF1628 for Building Owners